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Books are the best source for indepth information when you really need to know a subject in and out. Typical books are structured in such a way as to lead you from little knowledge about a subject to a more thorough understanding; this cannot usually be said for web resources or articles. Scholarly articles are typically written by and for experts in a field and so cannot be easily understood by someone that is not familiar with the jargon of that area. Web resources are often the best option for up to date information, but usually do not provide any in depth examination of the information.
Materials at the Asa H. Gordon Library are housed using the Library of Congress Classification System. You can find books related to Music in the "PN" sub-class.
PN 1-6790 Literature (General)
2000-3307 Dramatic representation. The theater.
2061-2071 Art of acting.
2085-2091 The stage and accessories.
2131-2193 By period.
2131-2145 Ancient.
2152-2160 Medieval.
2171-2179 Renaissance.
2181-2193 Modern.
2219.3-3030 Special regions or countries.
3151-3171 Amateur theater.
3175-3191 College and school theatricals.
Savannah State University 2200 Tompkins Rd Savannah, GA 31404 Phone: (912) 358-4324 Reference Text Line: (912) 226-2479