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CRJU 3361: Human Behavior

Information and links to materials appropriate for students enrolled in CRJU 3361: Human Behavior

Finding Books

The resources identified in this LibGuide are by no means a comprehensive list of resources available.

  • To identify books, eBooks, DVDs, and other items in the Library's collections, use the GIL-Find catalog.
  • To identify materials held at other USG Libraries, select "University System of Georgia" from the dropdown menu when searching the GIL-Find catalog. Use our GIL Express service to have materials sent to SSU. 
  • To identify materials beyond the local region, use the WorldCat catalog and our ILL services.

Tips for Searching

Think of the best keywords to enter and be ready to change them as you pursue your topic. Try using a subject encyclopedia or dictionary for specialized terminology. Get ideas for new keywords by carefully examining the subject fields in your first results.

Try these search features:

  • Use quotes to search for phrases (example: "Crime prevention through environmental design”)

  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to broaden or narrow your search

  • Use truncation (example: crimin* retrieves Criminal, Criminals, Criminological, Criminology)

  • Sort results by date or relevance

  • Browse subject headings

Visit the Search Techniques LibGuide for more tips and trick

Why Books?

Books are the best source for in-depth information when you need to know a subject inside and out. Books by one author on a subject are structured to lead the reader from little knowledge to a more thorough understanding; this cannot usually be said for web resources or articles. Scholarly articles are generally written by and for experts in a field, making them less accessible to someone without knowledge of the jargon and basics of the field. Web resources can be good options for up-to-date information, but they usually do not provide any in-depth examination of the information.

Books that have a separate author for each chapter can present different viewpoints on one subject or address different parts of a subject. Remember that it may not be necessary to read an entire book to have books be a useful part of your research.

Browsing for Books

Materials at the Asa H. Gordon Library are housed using the Library of Congress Classification System. You can find books related to Criminal Justice in the "HV" class.

Subclass HV
HV1-9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology.

HV6001-7220.5 Criminology

HV6035-6197 Criminal anthropology.Including criminal types, criminal psychology, prison psychology, causesof crime
HV6201-6249 Criminal classes
HV6250-6250.4 Victims of crimes. Victimology
HV6251-6773.55 Crimes and offenses
HV6774-7220.5 Crimes and criminal classes
HV7231-9960 Criminal justice administration
HV7428 Social work with delinquents and criminals
HV7431 Prevention of crime, methods, etc.
HV7435-7439 Gun control
HV7551-8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary
HV7935-8025 Administration and organization
HV8031-8080 Police duty. Methods of protection
HV8035-8069 Special classes of crimes, offensesand criminals
HV8073-8079.35 Investigation of crimes. Examination and identification of prisoners
HV8079.2-8079.35 Police social work
HV8079.5-8079.55 Traffic control. Traffic accidentinvestigation
HV8081-8099 Private detectives. Detective bureaus
HV8130-8280.7 By region or country
HV8290-8291 Private security services
HV8301-9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections
HV9051-9230.7 The juvenile offender. Juvenile delinquency.Reform schools, etc.
HV9261-9430.7 Reformation and reclamation of adultprisoners
HV9441-9960 By region or country

Asa H. Gordon Library

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