Are you registered to vote?
Do you need to confirm you're registered?
Do you need information on upcoming elections?
It's a big election year in 2024! Are you ready to vote?
The most publicized race on the November ballot is between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for United States President. There are local and state races that you can vote on as well. Voting gives you a voice in all levels of government.
Step 1: Register to vote or check your registration.
To vote, you first need to be registered. Not sure if you're registered? You can check your Georgia registration at the Georgia Secretary of State's My Voter Page. Use Vote411's map to find the website to check your voter registration in other states.
Step 2: Decide how you'll vote.
Do you have a plan to vote? Will you vote early? Do you want to vote on Election Day? Will you need to request an absentee ballot? Find out more information through the Vote with SSU page on what these three options mean for you.
Step 3: Learn about the ballot.
There will be more on your ballot than just the presidential race.
Step 4: Get comfortable with the voting process.
If you haven't voted before, it's good to know what to expect when you go to vote.
August 19 - earliest day to apply for an absentee ballot in Georgia
September 17 - National Voter Registration Day - The library will have a computer dedicated to voter registration and checking your voter registration.
October 7 - Georgia's deadline for voter registration/change of address for the General Election
October 15 - Advanced In Person (Early) Voting begins for the General Election
October 19 - Georgia counties must offer Saturday early voting today.
October 20 - Georgia counties have the option to offer Sunday early voting today.
October 25 - Last day to request an absentee ballot from the county you're registered in.
October 26 - Georgia counties must offer Saturday early voting today.
October 27 - Georgia counties have the option to offer Sunday early voting today.
November 1 - Last day of Early Voting
November 5 - General Election. All absentee ballots MUST be received by the county election office to be counted.
December 3 - Runoff Election if necessary after the General Election
Savannah State University 2200 Tompkins Rd Savannah, GA 31404 Phone: (912) 358-4324 Reference Text Line: (912) 226-2479