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PADM 6876: Capstone Seminar in Public Administration

Information and links to materials appropriate for graduate students enrolled in PADM 6876: Capstone Seminar in Public Administration.

Find Journals

Retrieved from: Connect Savannah

Scholarly v. Non-Scholary

Scholarly (peer-reviewed) resources undergo review by experts in a field of study, who determine that the articles are objective and credible before they are published. Examples of peer-reviewed resources include articles in scientific journals, encyclopedias, and textbooks

Non-scholarly resources are published without review by experts. Non-scholarly resources range from a variety of types, such as websites and magazines, to newspapers and books. If you plan to use non-scholarly materials, ask your instructor beforehand, and use the CRAAP Test.

Suggested Public Administration Journals

I have a citation for my article, what do I do next?

1. Identify the title of the journal or periodical in the citation. The title is usually italicized.

2. Check for full-text holdings in electronic format using the GALILEO A-Z list.

  • Type in the title of the journal or periodical from the citation into the search box.
  • Select the link to the appropriate Journal or Periodical title.
  • A pop-up box will appear identifying Full-Text options. Select a database from this list.
  • Match the issue date and volume number to the citation.  

3. If you cannot find a journal title in the GALILEO A-Z list, use the Finding Journals guide from our homepage. 

Still Cannot find? 
Contact your liaison librarian for help or submit an ILL request!

Asa H. Gordon Library

Savannah State University 2200 Tompkins Rd Savannah, GA 31404 Phone: (912) 358-4324 Reference Text Line: (912) 226-2479