Congratulations on completing your Thesis/Capstone Project! You've put in a lot of work, and we want to make sure you have something lasting to show for it.
The submission and approval of an ETD is a graduation requirement for many graduate programs at Savannah State University.This guide will offer information on how to submit your final project for inclusion in the ProQuest ETD database as well as recommendations for sharing your research further.
What is an ETD?
"ETD" stands for Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Asa H. Gordon Library collects students' ETDs in order to add them to the library's resources. The submission and approval of an ETD to the ProQuest database is a graduation requirement for many graduate programs at Savannah State University.
Why do I need to submit my work to ProQuest ETD?
Greater exposure of your research. ProQuest is the primary dissertations database in 3,000 academic institutions worldwide. It is indexed by leading subject indexes, putting your work into the primary search tools used by specialist researchers, including: ERIC, GeoRef, Institute of Physics (IOP), MathSciNet, MLA, SciFinder, Sociological Abstracts, and PsycINFO. This is a great opportunity to get your work cited by other authors or a chance of collaboration and further publication option.s
What is Tiger Scholar Commons?
Tiger Scholar commons is the institutional repository of the University. The repository serves to collect, preserve, and provide access to the creative and scholarly output of the University community. Many institutions require students of the graduate programs to submit their final work through a repository. This ensures permanent, open access to research for future use. While it is currently not a requirement for graduates at Savannah State, it is a highly recommended step in order to disseminate your research and your name further in the academic arena. Work shared in Tiger Scholar Commons is discoverable in GALILEO, Georgia Knowledge Repository, and Google Scholar. More information can be found on the Tiger Scholar Commons tab.
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