ProQuest Newspapers offers international, national, regional, and local papers. This database also includes exclusive access to 85 full-text newspapers from the world-leading news and information provider. Titles include:
Newspaper Source (EBSCO) provides cover-to-cover full text for 35 national (U.S.) and international newspapers.The database also contains selective full text for 375 regional (U.S.) newspapers.
1. Identify the title of the journal or periodical in the citation. The title is usually italicized.
2. Check for full-text holdings in electronic format using the GALILEO A-Z list.
3. If you cannot find a journal title in the GALILEO A-Z list, use the Finding Journals guide from our homepage.
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Savannah State University 2200 Tompkins Rd Savannah, GA 31404 Phone: (912) 358-4324 Reference Text Line: (912) 226-2479