Interlibrary Loan Lending
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Lending Unit of the ILL Office provides resources from Asa H. Gordon Library's collection to other institutions across the country. We do not lend books internationally; however, we do supply photocopies internationally.
To comply with national, state, and international codes, all interlibrary lending transactions follow the protocols established in the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and ILL Code for Georgia Libraries. When providing articles/photocopies internationally, we follow IFLA's International Lending and Document Delivery protocols: Principles and Guidelines for Procedure.
See the OCLC ILL Policies Directory for complete details of our ILL policies.
We accept requests from:
Our OCLC symbol:
We accept requests via:
Loan Period:
Circulating Items, Articles/Photocopies:
Books housed in the library's Main, Re-Classed, and African American Collections with imprint dates before 1950 will be exempt from interlibrary loans if it is determined their loss (meaning if the borrower were to lose or fail to return) would be detrimental to the support of academic disciplines and scholarly research activities at Savannah State University.
We do not lend books internationally.
We fill requests for articles and photocopies from our print collections.
For availability of material:
Please check our online catalog at
Loans: No charge to libraries that participate in the consortia listed below and those whose OCLC ILL Policy state they do not charge for loans.
Others: If your charge exceeds our base fee, $20IFM, we charge what you charge.
Copies/Scans: Our base fee is $20IFM for 1-50 pages; $25IFM for 51-100 pages. If your charge for copies exceeds our base fee, we charge what you charge. We can only provide e-journals based on our institution's licensing agreements.
We are a reciprocal library for loans and copies/scans.
Payment Method:
Non-circulating items:
Our Delivery Method:
When sending materials to a requesting institution:
Return Delivery Methods:
When returning our materials, the borrowing institution should return via:
Lost and Damaged Materials:
According to the ILL code for the United States and Georgia, the requesting library assumes responsibility for borrowed material from the time it leaves the supplying library until it has been returned to and received by the supplying library.
Savannah State University 2200 Tompkins Rd Savannah, GA 31404 Phone: (912) 358-4324 Reference Text Line: (912) 226-2479