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Social Work

Research tools for Social Work students and faculty members

Professional Organizations

Helpful Resources for Finding Information on Policies

These web resources have overviews, analyses, and current developments of important policies.

  • THOMAS: Library of Congress: Allows users to search current legislation by key terms or bill numbers. This resource also includes a timeline of the legislative process.
  • Social Work Policy Institute: Focuses on issues related to social workers. Can be a nice resource to get familiar with important policies within the field of social work.
  • Children's BureauProvides guidance to states, tribes, child welfare agencies, and more on the complex and varied federal laws as they relate to child welfare.
  • Policy ArchiveA digital archive of global, non-partisan public policy research. Allows users to search for summaries and full text materials of think tank, university, government, and foundation-funded policy research.
  • Procon.orgA nonprofit, nonpartisan public charity whose purpose is to provide resources for critical thinking and provide information without bias on particular policies.
  • Municode: Allows users to search by state or multiple states and to gain access to municipal codes, some of which may be related to social work.
  • State Child Welfare Database: A current source for state child welfare laws, policies, services and much more. Covers all 50 states. A product of Child Trends. 

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