Ever read something on the Internet that just doesn't seem true? The Internet is great because it contains massive amounts of information, but unfortunately, not all of it is true or reliable.
When doing research on the Internet, be sure to evaluate the information that you do find or plan to use. Use the CRAAP Test below as a guide.
Currency - Is the material current? Is it outdated or wrong? Is the site regularly maintained/updated?
Relevance - Is the material relevant?
Author - Who wrote the content? What are the author's qualifications? Does he/she have experience? Is there a way to contact the author?
Accuracy - How accurate is the information? What evidence does the author use? Does the author cite sources?
Purpose - What is the purpose of the content? Is the content objective or biased?
Remember, you can always contact a librarian with any questions!
Campbell Collaboration Library: The Campbell Collaboration (C2) helps people make well-informed decisions by preparing, maintaining and disseminating systematic reviews in education, crime and justice, social welfare and international development.
Center for Demography of Health and Aging: The CDHA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison focuses on the following research themes: aging and the life course; determinants of disparities (ethnic, socioeconomic, geographic) of aging trajectories; comparative international studies of population aging; social and economic aspects of aging; biodemography.
Data.gov: Provides access to the U.S. goverment's open data on a variety of topics, including education, finance, health, jobs, and more.
Disability.gov: The Federal government's main disability webpage.
Homelessness-HUD Exchange Homelessness Assistance: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Resources and reports. "...provides a one-stop shop for resources, updates, and information..."
HSRR (Health Services and Sciences Research Resources): The HSRR database was designed for those seeking data resources used in health services research, the behavioral and social sciences, and public health.
IssueLab: A searchable, browseable website set up to collect and share the social sector's knowledge. Supports social sector organizations taking practical and necessary steps to openly publishing what they fund and produce.
National Association of Social Workers:The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with 132,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
National Vital Statistics System: The United States' principal health statistics agency, compiling statistical information through data from birth and death records, medical records, interview surveys, and through direct physical exams and laboratory testing.
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The National Center for PTSD is dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD and contains important information for a variety of audiences.
Office of Immigration Statistics: This site offers a wealth of statistical data on immigration and immigration control from the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
Pew Research Center - Social and Demographic Trends: A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America and the world.
Race Research Online Directory: University of Pittsburgh, Center on Race & Social Problems. Searchable database of "...the videos, publications, and other information produced by the Center." Focus areas: Criminal Justice, Economic Disparities, Educational Disparities, Families-Youth-Elderly, Health, Interracial Group Relations, and Mental Health.
References Page Formatting - American Sociological Association: This resource covers American Sociological Association (ASA) style and includes information about manuscript formatting, in-text citations, formatting the references page, and accepted manuscript writing style. The bibliographical format described here is taken from the American Sociological Association (ASA) Style Guide, 5th edition.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.: The ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
U.S. Census: The U.S. Census Bureau provides quality data about the nation's people and economy.
U.S. Census - Quick Facts about Georgia: Quick facts about the state of Georgia based on the U.S. Census' research.
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