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What Moves You? A Resource Guide to Popular Social Movements

Resources related to the #blacklivesmatter, #marchforourlives, #marchforscience, #metoo, #timesup, and #nobannowall social movements.

Social responses to climate change

Climate change is real, and there is no real doubt about this in the scientific community. However, tackling the myriad problems behind climate change, as well as mitigating the effects of climate change, are mammoth undertakings that require cooperation between citizens, businesses, and governments - cooperation that, while vitally important, is not always popular.

Climate change - books

Climate change in the news and popular media

Newsweek's Global Warming Cover — The Patriot Post

Mother Jones July/August 2019 Issue – Mother Jones

Climate change in the News

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Climate change - videos

Scholarly literature - climate change

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